Vol. 15 No. 11 (2023): Emerging Trends in Machine Intelligence and Big Data - 1511

Ethical and Culturally Informed Approaches to AI in Education, Healthcare, and Business

Omar El-Sayed
Computer Science Department, King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia

Published 2023-11-10

How to Cite

El-Sayed, O. (2023). Ethical and Culturally Informed Approaches to AI in Education, Healthcare, and Business. Emerging Trends in Machine Intelligence and Big Data, 15(11), 20–26. Retrieved from http://orientreview.com/index.php/etmibd-journal/article/view/48


The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across various sectors has prompted a reevaluation of ethical and cultural considerations. This paper explores the implications and strategies for implementing AI in education, healthcare, and business with a focus on ethical integrity and cultural sensitivity. It begins by examining the potential of AI to enhance personalized learning, improve patient outcomes, and drive business innovation. However, it also addresses the challenges, including bias, privacy concerns, and the risk of cultural homogenization. By analyzing case studies and current research, the paper argues for a framework that incorporates ethical principles and cultural inclusivity in the design, development, and deployment of AI systems. It concludes that such approaches not only mitigate risks but also enhance the benefits of AI, fostering more equitable and effective solutions across these critical sectors